We at Clebex have the solution. The easiest to use tool in the market, to get back to the hybrid office.
Users can check on-line the occupancy of the workplace and easily declare when going to the office or working from home.
Today everybody is, as never before, very sensitive to the working space. We need to offer a safe and clean environment and to show everyday on-line that, the best practices are followed, regarding social distance, cleaning procedures and even air quality. We must empower the user to select when and where to go in an easy and not bureaucratic way.
Clebex offers a simplified and very efficient way of controlling the health certificates without queues and complaints from your team. Embedded in Clebex is the Space Pass that secures any booking, of a desk or meeting room for instance, or the access to specific areas like the cafeteria. By registering the certificates in the application, a user can book, declare, and perform all the actions that the certificate level authorizes. This model goes beyond health issues and can manage for instance the attendance to required training sessions.